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Thursday, January 24, 2013
An Interview with a Thai Playboy
My good buddy Somchai (not his real name of course) is a Thai national raised and educated in western USA. After graduating from a top notch university he immediately took over his family's import/export business.
25 years later he's semi-retired like me but in a much better financial position. Staying in Thailand most of the year he now dedicates a chunk of time buying land and property in the Kingdom. And on his spare time he whores around with some of the most incredibly beautiful Thai women. That lucky bastard.
I met Somchai through another mutual Thai friend around 10 years ago. Eventually we partnered up to do a business venture and in the end we sold the company and netted a tidy profit. Hanging out with Somchai opened my eyes to a whole new different world. And I've learned a lot through him not only about business but about Thailand's nightlife.
Besides being a first rate pervert he's also true philanthropist. He's donated millions to charities and temples and even put quite a few girls though university (more about that below).
When I started this blog I actually wanted to interview Somchai and have it here as my first post. But I didn't want to waste the guys time. He's a real nice guy and all but I had no clue if anyone was going to read this blog. Plus getting into the mindset of a Thai national would be pretty interesting to hear their take on the country's naughty red light industry.
We caught up just recently at one of the new and many wine bars on soi Thonglor. I'm not a real wine drinker but sitting down and catching up with Somchai over a glass of red from who knows where is a real treat.
Me: I really want to thank you for doing this interview. I think a lot of readers of this blog would could really learn something from you.
Somchai: No worries, you're a great guy. Honestly, I know that there are a lot of perverts coming to Thailand and your blog just proves it. And you should spruce up your blog by the way. The design theme looks like something a 12 year old girl would pick and use to blog about her love of ponies. Just kidding, except about your blog theme... I think you've got a lot of great and useful content. You know here in Bangkok you can pay a guy $100US to come up with a better blog template.
Me: Can you loan me a $100US?
Somchai: No.
Me: Everyone's a critic. Besides I like ponies too.
Somchai: I do have to disagree though on one posting you wrote that Thais would never step foot in a go go bar. True, there's not a whole lot that do. I wouldn't. No offense to the Isaan ladies but I prefer my women tall and light skinned
So to me, any Thai guy with cash would go to a go go bar is because they just want to get the dirty kinky sex acts that their wives wouldn't do. Kind of like Hugh Grant. Remember at one point he was married to Elizabeth Hurley? Yet when he was somewhere in Beverly Hills he was caught by the police with a really nasty looking street hooker.
So, what's the difference between the beautiful Elizabeth Hurly and a skanky nasty street hooker? The street hooker gives blow jobs and rim jobs. They do the dirty stuff that guys like and want.
We all know, nearly all of the girls working in go go bars are from Isaan. And they give blow jobs and rim jobs and perform many other dirty sexual acts when the price is right. Most wives or girlfriends of middle class, upper class Thais, or what have you do not perform such dirty nasty sexual acts. My ex-wife never did and from talking with my Thai friends neither do their wives. And god damn it were millionaires! There are exceptions of course. But in general most mid to upper society Thai women are very conservative.
Me: Okay, so you're rich ( I read it's always good to butter up the interviewee) and semi-good looking. I already know you don't go to go go bars because you don't like rim jobs. So where do you go? What do you do to get your rocks off?
Somchai: Well I head to the soapy massage parlors though not as frequently as before. But I go to only one particular soapy that you don't mention. And if you mention that name I will have you banned from there.
Me: Yeah, I know which soapy you're talking about. It's the soapy massage parlor. Though it has been already mentioned in a few forums and other related websites. Note: To you readers out there, the soapy that 'shall not be named' is incredible. The first time Somchai took me there he hooked me up with a half Thai-American soapy girl from Boston. She was incredibly beautiful and we still keep in touch today.
Somchai: Right, and that's fine. But it's so far away from Sukhumvit that no foreigner, unless invited by a local or someone in the know goes there. And I like to keep it that way.
And I don't always go to the soapies. I mostly go when I have friends or former business partners come visit. As you know I mainly stick with my girlfriends. I spend time over one girls place for a few days or a week and then I go over to the next and so on and so on. I'm rarely in my own house consecutively.
I prefer spending most of my time in the G Clubs as you call them, I just call them coyote clubs. I love flirting with the girls there and I always have the best time.
It's in the coyote clubs that I meet most of my girlfriends and when I find one that I like I take them out of the club, give them a monthly salary and buy them a car and a condo outright.
Today's younger Thai women are a lot more unreserved in the bed, thanks to Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.
Have you seen a lot of the photos of Thai girls on Facebook? All my girlfriends have shown me pics of their friend's Facebook page and jeez they are getting sluttier and sluttier and hot!!
Me: I've seen a lot of your so called girlfriends and I know you've got some kind of harem going on. All of them are in the 10's when it comes to the looks department. Exactly how many kept women do you keep?
Somchai: Currently, I have 5. Or is it 6? Just kidding I have 5. In all total including the past I would say I have a total of 16 kept girl friends. Most I've met in the G Clubs when they were 19 years old and some in the early 20's.
Out of the 5 girls I convinced 4 through a lot of money and persuasion to do threesomes. Dude, it was heaven, you know I have mirrors placed throughout my bedroom. I was a porn star!
And it's these younger girls that are more sexually adventurous though which I like. So it all works out haha...
Me: Why not have a foursome?
Somchai: Jim, you've had threesomes before and it's tiring. Throwing a 4th in the mix would just complicate matter.
Me: Man, you got it rough (sarcastically). You've taken whore mongering to a whole new level. Damn, that's a lot of condos and cars. And just a bit too much info on what you like in bed buddy.
Somchai: Well, I'm not a complete scumbag. I also pay for their university tuition too, if they choose to go. In which I do encourage them to. And I set them up with a business too and even stay on to dispense business advice even after we officially separate.
Me: That's right, you said before you always let your kept women know that once they've reached the age of 25 you do not provide anymore financial support and in effect get the boot. Sounds a bit harsh, don't you think.
Somchai: Not at all. I see it as a business deal. And they are contracted consultants. I scratch their backs and they scratch my you know what. Jim, I understand that eventually, women want children and a faithful husband. I can't provide those.
What I provide is the means and tools for a life of financial independence. In many cases some of my ex-girlfriends are really good business women but they just need that little extra push. You've met some of my past girlfriends and you can see they have their own successful businesses and pretty much set themselves with a good life. I will always dispense business and financial advice when they need it.
As you are aware already, Thai men with free spending cash, whether married or not, stash women throughout. Wives even know about. They may not like it and bitch and moan about it but they'll put up with it. Because the man is the bread winner.
Though some Thai men that take minor wives, girlfriends etc. do not treat their women so well. They pay for their apartments and give them a small salary just to stay home all day and wait for the guy to come back and screw. And once they're pregnant they either get the boot or they get left behind.
To me, that's messed up. If they're going to take a girl in, they better be damn sure to take care of them by helping them better lives so that they can carry themselves financially.
Me: Here's a question you've answered before for me but maybe the readers are interested as well. As a Thai man What do you think about foreigners coming to Thailand to have sex with Thai women?
Somchai: I love my country. It has its pitfalls like many other countries do. Though Thailand's problems fall a shitload deeper. Prostitution is well, you know, you've been all over Asia, is a big part of Asia. It's the oldest profession and theoretically if prostitution becomes illegal tomorrow it's still going to be an integral part of Thailand. Plus I get even by having as much sex with foreign women too haha...
But seriously, what you see in Nana, Patpong and Soi Cowboy is just a tip of the iceberg. Those are the so called sex tourist centers. However, there are hostess bars criss-crossed all over Bangkok where lower to middle income Thais go to get away from their nagging lives a little. You know what I'm talking about, I've taken you to several of those places before to check them out.
Me: Yeah, the girls are pretty there too but I wouldn't go into those places unless I'm with a Thai friend. Some of the customers and even bouncers inside give me the creeps.
Somchai: So that's what I personally think. But there are Thais who do not like their women cavorting with foreigners. Then there are those devout Buddhist, which Thais are, who really believe that the body is just a shell. So they don't care if a foreigner is boinking their women.
Which is why Thai men with girlfriends or wives working in the sex industry put up with it. Plus the money sure helps when they want to buy that bottle of top shelf whisky.
However, I want to stress to your readers that their are Thais that do hold a grudge against foreigners, particularly ones that work around the red light districts. They don't like the fact that foreigners go around flaunting their cash even if that cash goes into their pockets. They just like foreigners rubbing in their faces the fact you have more to spend freely and thus better than them.
Me: You don't need to tell me, I've seen some serious beat downs given to some foreigner in Nana. I think it was over an issue of disrespecting some bar girl. A swarm of Thais in the bars came out of nowhere and just thrashed the poor guy. Hell, even some motor taxi boys came over too. I think they must have some kind of walkie talkie system to call for back up. You can see penned rage going completely berserk on that poor soul.
Somchai: I have no animosity towards foreigners in the red light districts. I would just wish most would respect our country a bit better. For example I was driving down Sukhumvit by Terminal 21 and saw 3 young shirtless foreigners decked out in tattoos strutting down the street. Christ sake, they're not in Pattaya, Phuket or anywhere near a beach. Put on a shirt and have some respect. Sure you may see a shirtless local Thai but they have a reason like they're working in the heat and humidity.
Me: I feel the same way too. Sometimes I can't help but feel a little bit embarrassed too.
Somchai: I know a lot of Thai women particularly from Isaan actively seek out foreigners to take them out of poverty. And in most cases it works out where the couple lives happily ever after, I think. But I also know you can't turn a whore into a housewife more than you can turn a sex tourist into a good husband.
Then there are those couples that live out a long a fruitful happy life. To me when both parties are happy and benefit each other who can ask for anything more.
Me: So would you ever have a girlfriend from Isaan?
Somchai: Well I never say never. There are quite a lot of beautiful Isaan women. But as you know, Thai guys prefer light skinned girls. Most light skinned Thai ladies are from Thai-Chinese families or simply ladies from up North.
Thai men simply prefer their women with white skin. Even dark skinned Thai guys prefer their women with fair skin. Which is why you see so many Thai women buy those skin whitener creams and pay big money at those skin whitening clinics. It's just the way things are in Thailand.
---End of interview---
After picking Somchai's brain for a short while we went off to eating, drinking and chatting on for another 5 hours. I've made a lot of friends through my time in Thailand and I really have to say that if it wasn't for Somchai I wouldn't be living here in Thailand.
I'm really lucky to know the guy and am immensely grateful to be his friend.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Klong Nin Beach Resort, Koh Lanta
During the January 2013 PADI IDC on Koh Lanta, we used the pool of this resort and I was pleasantly surprised about the nice environment of this resort. Located in a nice and quiet part of the island, tucked away behind the road between the beach and he resort, it's a haven of tranquility.
The beach is just 20 meters away in case you feel like a nice white sandy environment. The resort is cosy by itself, lush green between the paths and bungalows make for a relaxed and green setting.
A nice big, clean and clear pool waits for you and all rooms have a/c, wifi and are spacious. An excellent value for money is to be had.
Get away from the hustle and look for some down time in a relaxed environment, Klong Nin Beach Resort may for that bill.
Booking by Agoda
Booking by Hotels Combined
Guest room
Guest room
Sunday, January 20, 2013
An Excellent Experience at Dream Heaven Massage in Bangkok
Lately I've been having a good run of luck by making a detour from my usual routine. A few post back I wrote I was heading to Catherine's for a soapy massage but instead swung over to La Defense for a quick look see and saw quite a handful of cute massage girls.
Yesterday I was headed to Akane Massage on Sukhumvit soi 33 to hook up with one of my favorite girls there.
While I made my way there I took a look at Teen Massage and Dream Heaven Massage, which both shops are directly opposite from Akane. Here's a map of where exactly these massage parlors are located.
A strange urge made me cross over and I mysteriously made my way to Dream Heaven. There are always girls sitting outside of Teen and Dream and they were not the best lookers. But I took my chance at Dream anyways.
I haven't been there for awhile. As I mentioned before, I'm usually a creature of habit and stick with my favorite spots, be it go go bars, pick up joints or massage shop. But since I was having a good run on making detours I decided to take a risk and check out another oily massage shop instead.
As I went inside Dream I was greeted by a cute dark skinned mamasan with a great bubbly personality. This was about 5pm so still early in the day. As soon as I sat down took a quick peek at the menu I decided to do the 1.5 hour oily massage, which cost 2200THB for full service. The 1 hour full service massage cost 2000THB. You can check out their website's price list here.
Here's a quick tip I never really mentioned on oily massage parlors. When faced with deciding on a 1.5 hour or 1 hour massage, I recommend choosing the 1 hour massage. Why? It's quite rare that oil massage shop girls work the full 1.5 hours. There are exceptions of course where girls work the full time you pay. But in general you're not going to get the full time you paid for.
You can bitch and moan and complain all you want but TIT (This is Thailand) and usually once guys get off they don't really complain afterwards once their pipes are cleared. Anyways, that's just my opinion. Just trust me, save those few hundred bahts and go with the 1 hour.
So back to my experience at Dream. Once I chose the 1 hour oil massage course, about 8 girls were ushered in. Two I had my eye on immediately one light skinned girl with curves in all the right places and one dark skinned skinny girl. Both were young, probably early 20's. I decided on the light skinned girl. I guess I made the right decision because I heard the other girls moan, "Not again". So I figure the girl I chose is popular and always get's the customers. From 1 to 10 on the looks scale she's about a 6, but she sure has a lovely body. But I'll definitely be coming back again for some time with the dark skinned honey.
So she took me upstairs to the room on the second floor. And it's clean room as you can see from the pictures I took. There's even a mirror which many parlors charge extra for.
Once we got into the shower and did the usual scrub down. She's in great shape as I said she has curves in all the right places so she started doing an amazing rub down. So I asked if it was okay to finish and she said yes. Without going into too much detail I had such a great time I could barely stand. She can't speak English though, so it's always helpful to try and pick up the Thai language.
Afterwards it was off to the bed and I was given a mediocre oil massage for about 15 minutes. Then she started getting me ready for a second round.
Just to make things clear, Dream Heaven massage girls normally allow customers 1 shot. But it is up to the girls to give a 2nd shot to customers for free. As I mentioned before, if you are able to speak Thai you can build a better rapport with the ladies.
After the second round I dozed off and I was in Sabai Land. When I woke up about 10 minutes later we chatted for a few and it was back to the shower for a final clean up.
The total time I was with her was just a little under an hour and I tipped her because her service was truly excellent.
So is Dream Heaven on soi 33 a place I'd go back to? I would say yes! If you check out their website lady gallery you'll see about 9 girls. According to the girl that gave me my massage there are a total of 20 ladies working there at any given time. When I was leaving I saw a couple more cute girls heading back up with customers.
So next time, I'm planning on picking up the 2nd girl with darker skin I had my eye on when I go back. Or maybe I'll check out Dream Heaven's second branch on Sukhumvit soi 24.
Either way I'll make a post about what I do next in a week or so!
Yesterday I was headed to Akane Massage on Sukhumvit soi 33 to hook up with one of my favorite girls there.
While I made my way there I took a look at Teen Massage and Dream Heaven Massage, which both shops are directly opposite from Akane. Here's a map of where exactly these massage parlors are located.
A strange urge made me cross over and I mysteriously made my way to Dream Heaven. There are always girls sitting outside of Teen and Dream and they were not the best lookers. But I took my chance at Dream anyways.
I haven't been there for awhile. As I mentioned before, I'm usually a creature of habit and stick with my favorite spots, be it go go bars, pick up joints or massage shop. But since I was having a good run on making detours I decided to take a risk and check out another oily massage shop instead.
As I went inside Dream I was greeted by a cute dark skinned mamasan with a great bubbly personality. This was about 5pm so still early in the day. As soon as I sat down took a quick peek at the menu I decided to do the 1.5 hour oily massage, which cost 2200THB for full service. The 1 hour full service massage cost 2000THB. You can check out their website's price list here.
Here's a quick tip I never really mentioned on oily massage parlors. When faced with deciding on a 1.5 hour or 1 hour massage, I recommend choosing the 1 hour massage. Why? It's quite rare that oil massage shop girls work the full 1.5 hours. There are exceptions of course where girls work the full time you pay. But in general you're not going to get the full time you paid for.
You can bitch and moan and complain all you want but TIT (This is Thailand) and usually once guys get off they don't really complain afterwards once their pipes are cleared. Anyways, that's just my opinion. Just trust me, save those few hundred bahts and go with the 1 hour.
So back to my experience at Dream. Once I chose the 1 hour oil massage course, about 8 girls were ushered in. Two I had my eye on immediately one light skinned girl with curves in all the right places and one dark skinned skinny girl. Both were young, probably early 20's. I decided on the light skinned girl. I guess I made the right decision because I heard the other girls moan, "Not again". So I figure the girl I chose is popular and always get's the customers. From 1 to 10 on the looks scale she's about a 6, but she sure has a lovely body. But I'll definitely be coming back again for some time with the dark skinned honey.
So she took me upstairs to the room on the second floor. And it's clean room as you can see from the pictures I took. There's even a mirror which many parlors charge extra for.
Dream Massage - Looks clean |
Shower room where I had the best experience!! |
Just to make things clear, Dream Heaven massage girls normally allow customers 1 shot. But it is up to the girls to give a 2nd shot to customers for free. As I mentioned before, if you are able to speak Thai you can build a better rapport with the ladies.
After the second round I dozed off and I was in Sabai Land. When I woke up about 10 minutes later we chatted for a few and it was back to the shower for a final clean up.
The total time I was with her was just a little under an hour and I tipped her because her service was truly excellent.
So is Dream Heaven on soi 33 a place I'd go back to? I would say yes! If you check out their website lady gallery you'll see about 9 girls. According to the girl that gave me my massage there are a total of 20 ladies working there at any given time. When I was leaving I saw a couple more cute girls heading back up with customers.
So next time, I'm planning on picking up the 2nd girl with darker skin I had my eye on when I go back. Or maybe I'll check out Dream Heaven's second branch on Sukhumvit soi 24.
Either way I'll make a post about what I do next in a week or so!
Friday, January 18, 2013
This Week's Recommended Hotel Deals in Bangkok
Hotels in Bangkok are still in the midst of high season room rates. This is especially true for hotels near the red light districts in Sukhumvit where most guys who love go go bars prefer to stay in. But that doesn't mean the deals are not out there. Because there's a lot of hotels available that want you to sleep in their beds and don't care whether you want to bring a bar girl back to your room or not.
The 3 star Le Fenix Sukhumvit Hotel on Sukhumvit soi 11 is having a 55% discount for a standard room and cost roughly 1700THB a night. Here's more information on why I think the Le Fenix is a good start point for exploring Soi Cowboy, Nana as well as the popular clubs of soi 11.
Another really nice 3 star hotel I recommend all the time is the Boss Suites Hotel, one of my top 5 Nana hotel pick. As of today you can still get a deluxe room for around 1500THB. Normally I've seen prices for the Boss Suites hit around 1700THB so you'll have some savings for beer.
Have 3000THB a night to spend for a hotel room? You lucky bastard. The Novotel Bangkok Ploenchit is a brand new 4 star hotel just a short 5 minute walk to Nana Entertainment Plaza and another 10 minutes walk to Soi Cowboy. They have a whopping 57% off for a superior king sized room. It's a top notch guest friendly hotel with a cool pool and adequate fitness center.
Finally one hotel that is super close to Nana Entertainment Plaza is the Legacy Express Hotel. From what I see so far a lot of people have been booking their stays there. You can take advantage of a 30% discount for 3 nights stay and the offer is good until the end of March 2013. So a room would cost around 1650THB per night including taxes and breakfast. So that's not a bad deal at all.
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Le Fenix on Suk soi 11 |
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Deluxe room at Boss Suites |
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The Novotel Ploenchit |
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Legacy Express Bangkok - It's really popular |
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Checking Out La Defense Soapy Massage
La Defense - On the entrance of Soi Rama 9, very easy to spot |
I've never mentioned La Defense at all because the few times I was there several years ago it was horrible. They had a few girls on the line up that looked old and tired.
Now I know the industry often changes and new girls come and go to shake up an establishments line up. And I know the best places to go is where the Thai locals go for a soapy. So when I saw the parking lot of La Defense filled with BMW's and Merecdes I knew I had to take a peek inside.
So I went in eager to check out the new talent. The place looked the same, if not spruced up a bit. And the fishbowl had indeed improved. There were just a handful of under avearge looking girls mixed in with a lot more above average lookers. Like the rest of all upper scale soapies, you'll only find lights skinned Thai girls.
So I decided to wait it out and see if there are even more cuter girls. If those pricey cars are still parked outside chances are there are some hot model types still upstairs. About an hour later my patience was rewarded. About four sideline girls came downstairs and they were above average looking ladies. Another 30 minutes later two more came down.
Needless to say, they were all scooped up after settling back down on their seats by waiting punters. Me, I decided to pass and come back next time earlier in the evening and decided to shoot back over to Catherines Massage.
But I didn't leave without getting the numbers of the girls as well as their going rates. I was quoted 2800THB for a particular set of sideliners. Fishbowl prices start at 2100THB for 1 hour.
One quick word of advice if you're planning to visit La Defense Massage or even Catherines which are both located right on Soi Rama 9.
If you're reading this, chances are you're probably going to get to either soapies by taxi. And to get their a taxi has to get onto Rama 9 Road and traffic on that road is horrible beginning around 6pm. So you might want to get to La Defense or Catherines a bit earlier. You can always hang out inside if you ever get in early.
This is one place I'm planning to go back to for a real visit and keep an eye on. It just might make it to my top 5 soapy massage list too.
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