Sunday, September 30, 2012

Amari Don Muang, Don Muang Airport

Now that the 'old' Don Muang airport gets a new life lease with plenty of low costs carriers moving in again, the hotels in the neighborhood will also be delighted to get some more business again.

Especially the Amari Don Muang will be happy with a boost since it's the only hotel that I know of that has a direct connection by means of an overhead pass to the airport. How convenient can it become! The airport just a short walk away.

Dining is available and so is a golf course with holes between the runways! 

Besides this almost unbeatable plus of an overhead pass, the hotel has momentarily some excellent offers available (October 2012), so go ahead and pamper yourself in an Amari room for a really good price! They only have 423 rooms, so you should be able to book a room yo your liking!

Booking by Agoda

Booking by Hotels Combined

Superior room

Executive room



Swimming pool

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