Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Baccara Bar in Soi Cowboy Bangkok

One of the best go go bars in Soi Cowboy in my opinion is the Baccara.

They have some of the best looking bar girls with reasonably priced beers and a DJ with great taste in music.

I made a visit there last Monday with a few good friends of mine from the States. For one of them it was their first time ever at a Bangkok go go bar and he couldn't believe that there were so many hot bar girls working their magic.

And to be quite honest, through the years I've been making my go go bar rounds I have noticed that the quality of the ladies employed at Baccara are the top lookers of Soi Cowboy, followed closely by Shark Bar (a report on that soon) right next door. You can find a map of Soi Cowboy bars here.

I particularly like the bar girl with the #242 tag, she's got a cute face and even though she has an obvious nose job I have a big crush on her. At first she can have an icy exterior but when she gets to know you she puts her guard down and is quite a fun girl. Most popular girls in any bar do have an attitude however. It just goes with their territory.

Baccara has two levels. The first floor has a bigger stage with 2 sets of ladies rotating. Remember, the better looking girls are always positioned in the front of the stage, so be sure to grab a seat if you can anywhere in that area. You can see girls dancing on the second floor in school girl uniforms sans panties through the glass ceiling.

Normally I recommend sitting right in front of the bar by the entrance where the prettiest bar girls gather to attract passing punters. However, the best spot in the house is in the back by the bar on the upper right corner.

There are 2 stools only and if you sit on one of them you'll have direct access to check out the girls when they come off and onto the stage to change shifts. Another benefit to sitting on those stools is that the area is so tight that bar girls have to squeeze by and you can feel them brush up against you. The downside is that you'll also be bumping in to guys too. Oh well, you've got to take a bit of the bad with the good too right?

The second floor is the smoking level which I avoid because of the smoke. However, seeing the beautiful ladies dance topless on the second level is enough to make me a smoker. Bar girls on the first floor are always wearing bikinis.

The bar fine fee at Baccara is 600THB. However ther is a 2 lady drink minimum before you can take her out. One lady drink cost 160THB. Short time is the standard 2500THB for the hour and long time rates can range from 4000THB to 6000THB. Beers are reasonable at 150THB.

You have a better chance of getting a lower long time rate by bar fining the bar girl you have an eye on close to closing time which is 3AM.

Baccara is a great bar to hang out in and check out some of the prettiest go go bar girls at Soi Cowboy.

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