Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Got Some Cash to Blow? Spend it at the Sherbet G Club in Bangkok

Bangkok's gentleman's clubs is a subject I haven't touched upon yet. And it's mainly because it's not a place where the general punter would want to go. And that's mainly because the G clubs in Bangkok has no guarantee that you're going to get laid. Plus the fact that it's expensive drink wise.

However, Sherbet and many other G clubs in Bangkok employ some of the finest looking ladies. Ladies that can put the hottest go go bar girls in Baccara or Rainbow 4 to shame.

G clubs typically hire tall fair skin girls which you will find in Sherbet. There are no short dark skinned Issaan girls working in there. Since a large percentage of the clubs clientele are rich Thai guys you can sure bet only the hottest young Thai girls are working there.

I mentioned that you're not guaranteed to have sex with any of those girls. That's because most of them are not your usual utility sex workers. You've got to have cash and I'm not talking about that 2500THB you have in your pocket for short time.

To get in their pants you have to buy them expensive gifts and take them out to fancy dinners. And a lot of the ladies working at Sherbert may understand a little bit of English, but you won't be able to converse with them like you would with bar girls who are used to foreigners. These are the kinds of girls that can easily find Thai/Foreign sugar daddies that want to impress the ladies.

Sherbet is set up as a club/karaoke where you choose from a wide selection of light skinned Thai girls. There are also a category called coyote girls and believe me they are super hot dancers. Every time you call one over you have to buy them lady drinks too. And no, you can't grope the girls or fondle them. They don't call it a gentlemen's club for nothing.

You can play drinking games with them, dance with them, converse with them if you're able to but I'm quite serious it's best to be on your best behavior and avoid being rude and crude. They can and are allowed to decline sitting with tourist/customers who are assholes.

G clubs are expensive when it comes to drinks. Beers cost 200THB and there's a 2 beer minimum so you're looking to spend 400THB off the bat. You don't even want to know the price of hard liquor and mixers.

However, you can become a member by parting a hefty portion of your cash. For about 30,000THB ($1000USD) you'll get 10 bottles of Johnny Walker scotch whiskey. The membership expires a year after sign-up but 10 bottles (which they will store for you) can quickly dry as you make frequent visits.  Plus lady drinks are reduced too. And you will get much better treatment as a member rather than a walk in customer.

I really suggest getting a membership. You can always get a bunch of friends to pool some cash. However, keep in mind that the membership can be under one name. In my group we picked the guy who drinks the least. If you're reading this buddy you know who you are.

So why would a guy go to a club like Sherbet or any other similar joint when there's no promise of getting laid? Well if you've been a frequent visitor to go go bars for a long while you might want to try and mix things up a bit.

A lot of the girls working in G clubs play hard to get. And there is a chance to get laid with a super hot Thai girl. But you're going to have to up your game and be prepared to spend some cash. I know a lot of guys want the thrill of picking up hot Thai girls which requires finesse.

Sherbet is located about a few minutes drive down Sukhumvit soi 63. The building is on the left hand side. There really is no dress code however, if you're really out to impress and want the full attention of some true Thai beauties it's best to put on some slacks and shirts and stow away the beach wear. And polishing your Thai language skills would really help too because the papasans and mamasans are really basic speaking English.

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